Somos missionários enraizados na Palavra de Deus, inspirados pelo carisma do Santo Arnaldo, alicerçados nos princípios evangélicos atravês duma presença efectiva na Igreja local para a difusão do Reino de Deus.

Categoria: Novidades

News in Portuguêse

Enraizados na Palavra e Comprometidos na Missão

Boas festas do grande missionário São José Freinademetz, Presbitéro. Na homilia da sua dispedida dizia O Divino Bom Pastor em sua insondável bondade me convidou a ir com ele para o deserto, a fim de ajudá-lo em sua busca pelas ovelhas perdidas. O que mais devo fazer senão beijar sua mão cheia de alegria e gratidão e dizer com as Escrituras: Eis me aqui Senhor! … o homem não foi feito para este mundo. Ele foi criado por algo maior: não para aproveitar a vida mas para trabalhar onde o Senhor o chamar.

Que seu zelo para evangelizar nos inspire.

São José Freinademetz

Um missionário encarnado na Missão de Deus

Boas festas a todos….O Pe. Arnaldo Janssen, na Holanda comentou no dia do falecimento do José Freinademetz: ”O Senhor levou-nos o segundo fundador da missão, esta alma boa e santa, que cumulou méritos imperecíveis ao serviço da missão …Trabalhou com zelo, desprendimento e total entrega. Agora alegra-se no Céu e lá continuará a ser nosso intercessor junto do trono de Deus ”. Neste dia, pedimos a Deus através da intercessão do São José Freinademetz, que nós possamos ser Homens de muita fé, Discípulos fiéis de Jesus, Alegres anunciadores do Evangelho, Homens de oração, Humildes servidores, Trabalhadores incansáveis pela salvação dos povos, Grandes amantes do Coração de Jesus, Adoradores apaixonados do Espírito Santo, Filhos dilectos de Maria, Mãe de Jesus, e Fidelíssimos na procura de Deus. Feliz dia para todos nós, especialmente parabéns para a casa de formação em Maputo e casa paroquial de Liupo. Viva…

Cyclone Eloise

Tropical Cyclone Eloise made landfall on the 23 of January and preliminary reports indicate that nearly 7000 people have been displaced and more than 5000 houses have been destroyed. Our SVD confreres, Brother Bernardus Fernandez and Fr. Philander Pinalgan are helping the people in our parish in Beira. Let us pray for those who are suffering from this new natural disaster and for our confreres there who accompanies our people.

In the aftermath of Cyclone Eloise, one of many chapel is destroyed in our new parish. A capela de comunidade de São Francisco Xavier Ndunda-2 destruída pelo ciclone Eloise no dia 23 de Janeiro. Daquela zona até agora ainda enche de água chuva.

Report by Bro. Bernardo

Pictures and videos courtesy of Brother Bernardo

SVD-SSpS Seminar and Retreat in Guiua, 2018

As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God?» Ps 42, 1-2. (NRSV).

Yes, every religious person in this world longs and thirsts for God. Therefore, in order to fulfil this thirst one goes for prayer, retreat, renewal course etc. We SVDs and SSpS in the region of Mozambique every three years do a seminar and retreat together as Arnoldian family in order to deepen in us the spirituality of our Founder. We began this faith-strengthening practice from 6 to 16 of January in 2004 oriented by Fr. Tomás SVD and Sr. Marta Maria SSpS at Milevane in the diocese of Gurúe. Since then every three years we come together for this. It was in 2007 from 4 to 16 of January at Marera in the diocese of Chimoio oriented by Sr. Matilde Wandenbruck Sacardo SSpS, in 2009 from 5 to 10 of January guided by Fr. Jorge Fernandes SVD, in Beira in the Archdiocese of Beira, in 2012 from 23 of Abril to 4 of May preached by Fr. Renato SVD and Sr. Emmie, Emmiliana Matilda Vas SSpS at Marera in the diocese of Chimoio, in 2015 from 17 to 26 of November at Milevane in the diocese of Gurúe preached by Fr. Tony Pates SVD from Steyl and Sr. Rosil SSpS from Mozambique. In this year, 19 SVD confreres and 15 SSpS sisters, a total of 34 participants, made use of this opportunity from 9 to 19 of January 2018, in the Pastoral Centre, Guiua of the Diocese of Inhambane, Mozambique. With the help and orientation of Fr. Tony Pates SVD from Steyl and Sr. Matilde Wandenbruck Sacardo SSpS from Brazil, we began our seminar and retreat on the 9th of January 2018, with the theme «Discípulos missionários enraizados na Trindade, testemunhas e construtores da comunhão» i.e., Missionary disciples rooted in the trinity, witnesses and builders of communion. First three days were dedicated for the seminar during which we reflected on the term ‘Koinonia’ Communion, the Trinitarian communion and the four aspects of it in our life namely Intra, Inter, Trans and Eco-Communion. We commenced our seminar by a procession from the Parish Church to the conference hall in which the sessions were held by Fr. Tony and Sr. Matilde. Day by day, the input sessions were becoming more and more interesting with lots of dynamic and reflective activities and inputs which helped us reflect on our personal, community and missionary life. This seminar in a way helped us to be more in communion with oneself, with others and with God in order to be effective missionaries following the example of our Founder. 

We had a day of outing after the seminar, to the naturally beautiful Tofo beach where we spent a quality time in the experience of the different aspects of ‘Koinonia’. After which we slipped into complete silence to enter into contemplation and prayer and to spend time with oneself and with God. 

Though we were far away from our ministry places, each community had the opportunity to bring the problems that exist and the hopes we have for our missions during the daily Eucharistic Adoration. The highlight of the retreat was the silent pilgrimage to the cemetery of 22 Mozambican martyrs, catechists and their families, who were assassinated in the year 1992 for their faith in Jesus, around 3 kms away from the centre. It was faith-strengthening moments for each one of us.  During the thanksgiving Eucharist on the final day, we renewed our vows and commitment to the call of our Master in order to return to the harvest fields with the new vigour and enthusiasm ‘for the harvest is plenty, but the labourers are few’.

The seminar and retreat was indeed a Grace-filled and refreshing time together as one family of St Arnold. And of course, it was an opportunity to come out of our interior and difficult mission stations to spend quality time together enjoying the company of one another and to regain our strengths. We thank God and are grateful to Fr. Tony and Sr. Matilde for their valuable guidance and presence with us.

The trinity is a missionary community: the Father sent his Son, the Word and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is mission, because the Trinity is communion. Mission is communion.

SVD Mozambique Region. 

Little steps toward a sustainable future

As of June 2017, Mozambique have matured and moved on from a “Mission” to being a “Region”.  This small change inspires all of us to reflect and make necessary changes. 

Our little steps so far includes: the first Mozambican in initial formation was sent to the novitiate in Ghana; one confrere is working on a Master in philosophy in Nairobi; the first Chinese confrere arrived in August; the construction of the formation house began in Maputo; installation of a new solar water pump and finishing work on the new church in Liúpo; and many other faithful steps made in our schools and SVD parishes weekly.  These small progresses are the results of many concrete steps made previously, some by necessity, others by free will, and others with great patience.

One step at a time… pouco a pouco…

One way to sustain our confreres and mission, almost all of our SVD houses in the country have a chicken-raising project in our backyard. This extra activity alongside our pastoral life not only provides us with fresh meat and a small income, but also a sense of joy and peace.

Before Christmas last year, the diesel generator broke down in Liúpo. The support of the Region to replace the old system and invest in a new solar pump has already brought some immediate and tangible benefits. With every sunrise, the sunlight triggers the flow of the precious liquid deep down the earth and gives life to our mission parish – no noise, no pollution. The SVD community in Liúpo is almost entirely operating on renewable energy. In Mozambique, growth and miracles begin deep down, and new life springs forward with little steps taken by our confreres and our mission partners. All members make small steps with courage, patience, imagination, and lots of prayers toward a sustainable future.

Giang Tien Nguyen
