As of June 2017, Mozambique have matured and moved on from a “Mission†to being a “Regionâ€. This small change inspires all of us to reflect and make necessary changes.Â
Our little steps so far includes: the first Mozambican in initial formation was sent to the novitiate in Ghana; one confrere is working on a Master in philosophy in Nairobi; the first Chinese confrere arrived in August; the construction of the formation house began in Maputo; installation of a new solar water pump and finishing work on the new church in Liúpo; and many other faithful steps made in our schools and SVD parishes weekly. These small progresses are the results of many concrete steps made previously, some by necessity, others by free will, and others with great patience.

One way to sustain our confreres and mission, almost all of our SVD houses in the country have a chicken-raising project in our backyard. This extra activity alongside our pastoral life not only provides us with fresh meat and a small income, but also a sense of joy and peace.
Before Christmas last year, the diesel generator broke down in Liúpo. The support of the Region to replace the old system and invest in a new solar pump has already brought some immediate and tangible benefits. With every sunrise, the sunlight triggers the flow of the precious liquid deep down the earth and gives life to our mission parish – no noise, no pollution. The SVD community in Liúpo is almost entirely operating on renewable energy. In Mozambique, growth and miracles begin deep down, and new life springs forward with little steps taken by our confreres and our mission partners. All members make small steps with courage, patience, imagination, and lots of prayers toward a sustainable future.
Giang Tien Nguyen
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